Wednesday, August 4, 2010

WELCOME GATE & WALL (S.Mayooran 21 March, 2008)

Dear Sivapatham,
How are you? I received all the e-mails about Gate and Wall.  Mathan spoke to me on phone about the project as well.  It is a good initiative.  I do understand that the welcome gate is needed.  However I have some questions.  
(1) Are there any other more important needs in the JHC we need to look in to? I want to know whether there is always a need in JHC for helping poor students with facilities fees, buying books and materials for the needy students.  
(2) My suggestion / advise to you is, please avoid using your own bank account for this purpose.  We know you are trustworthy, and there is no doubt about it.  But, in the future, there will be people with sinister motives who might question your move to use your own personal account for school's project.  I know, if you keep a clear record of who contributed and where the money was spent, you will be fine.  However, it is always in the best interest of you and the JHC to use a JHC account for this purpose.  I know, right now, you are paying from your own pocket.  However, if you keep track of the money you spent, with receipts, and make sure you are reimbursed your spent money from a school account, it has more integrity.  Please think about it.
Regardless, I am prepared to send my contribution to your account.  However, make up your mind about which account you want to use (your own or a JHC account).

This is only my personal suggestion and if you feel you have done the right thing, and be comfortable with the situation there at JHC, please go ahead according to your original plan.  Please let me know what you think.

“Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your
own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny" 

---Swamy Vivekananda---

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