Thursday, August 12, 2010

JHC Front wall Rehabilitation Fund : Updates 01.04.2008

Hi Guys,

I am very pleased with the way our JHC94 Canadians responded to the JHC Front wall Rehabilitation Fund. 
Thanks everyone who participated in this fund raising event. It shows our unity and the friendly atmosphere. I am proud to be a member of JHC94 & specially JHC94 -Canadians.

The following is the update.
Namanan            $ 100 CDN
Mahes                 $ 100 CDN
Mayooran            $ 100 CDN
Punithan              $ 100 CDN
Partheepan          $ 50 CDN
Ramanan              $ 50 CDN
Gunarajah            $ 50 CDN
Kulam                   $ 100 CDN

Total                    $ 650 CDN

I will wait one more day and send this one on Wednesday. 


Please confirm with me where I have to send this.


With Best Regards


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