Thursday, August 12, 2010

JHC wall contributions from JHC 94 canadians (31.03.2008)

Hi Mathan, Sivapathamoorthy and JHC 94 Canadians

I received the money from Mahes, and Namanan and got the commitment from the Parthee.

The following is the participation so far. 

Namanan         $100 CDN
Mahes             $100 CDN
Partheepan      $  50 CDN
Kulam             $100 CDN

Punithan called me some time ago about this and I will get back to him and inform you guys shortly.

Also Mayuran showed interest too. I will catch him too and let you guys know.

Guys from Canada !!!!   a wake up call

Please let me know how much your contribution at the earliest possible. I would like to transfer the amount in three days. Please act accordingly.

Guys you may send me an email money transfer or please call me(613.355.9555) for any different mode of payment. When you send the money please send an email to the group about your transaction.

Whatever I received by 6 pm on April 2, 2008 ( Wednesday) will be sent to JHC94 Jaffna. Please help us to speed up the process.

Thanks for your help and understanding,

With Best Regards


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