Sunday, November 28, 2010

1994- இந்துக்கல்லூரியின் ஞான வயிரவர் கோவில் நுழைவாயில், பிரதான சுற்று மதில்

தேசிய கல்லூரி என்ற பெருமையும் கடந்து , சர்வதேச ரீதியில் புகழ் பெற்ற கல்வி நிறுவகம் என்ற பாதையில் முன்னேறி செல்லும் , இந்துக் கல்லூரியின் வரலாற்றில் -எம் சுவட்டை பதித்து , எம் இனிய தடங்களை மதிலாக்கி , எம் அன்னையின் அணிகலனாக்குவதில் பேருவகை அடைகிறோம்.

பூச்சொரிந்த கொன்றையின் அருகில் இருந்த அழகிய வாயில் தொட்டு -கணணி கல்வி பிரிவுடன் கூடிய மகாநாட்டு மண்டபம் கொண்ட , பிரதான கட்டட பூங்காவினை சுற்றி 100 m நீளமான மதில் சுவரையும் , அழகிய வாயிலையும்
" 94 ம் ஆண்டு மாணவ புதல்வர்கள் " அமைத்து கொடுத்து உள்ளோம் .

இந்துக் கல்லூரி அதிபர் கேட்டுக்கொண்டதிற்கு இணங்க இந்துவின் 94 ஆண்டு மாணவர்களின் பங்களிப்பினால் இச் சுவர் அமைக்கப்பட்டு எழிலுடன் நிமிர்ந்து நிக்கிறது

இச் செயற்பாட்டில் முன்னின்று உதவியவர்களுக்கு நன்றிகளை தெரிவிப்பதுடன் தொடர்ந்தும் எம்மால் கல்லூரி தாய்க்கு தேவையான ஆக்கபூர்வமான செயற்திட்டங்களை நிறைவேற்ற திடசங்கற்பம் கொள்ளவோம் .

1994 ம் ஆண்டு இந்துவின் புதல்வர்கள் , செயற்பாட்டு குழுவின் கணக்கு அறிக்கை
செயற்ப்பாடு : 100 m சுற்று மதில் , பிரதான வாயில்


நமணன் 100 CAD
மகேஸ்வரன் 100 CAD
குலதீரன் 100 CAD
மயூரன் 100 CAD
புனிதன் 100 CAD
ஸ்ரீநிகேதன் 100 CAD
குணராசா 50 CAD
குனேந்திரரஞ்சன் 50 CAD
தேசப்பிரியன் 50 CAD
ரமணன் 50 CAD
பார்த்தீபன் 50 CAD

UK :

நாகரூபன் 75 £
தனஞ்சயன் 100 £
நிமலன் 50 £
கிருபரன் 50 £

குமாரதேவன் 110 AUD
விஜிதன் 50 AUD
சுந்தரேசன் 100 AUD
S. நிமலன் 100 AUD

சிவபாதமூர்த்தி 20000/=
குணாளன் 10000/=
பிரசாந்தன் 10000/=
செந்தூர்செல்வன் 10000/=
சிறிதயாளன் 5000/=
யசோதரன் 5000/=
சஞ்சீவ் 5000/=
சசிவர்ணன் 5000/=
சதீசன் 5000/=

அரவிந்தன் 5000/=


கொடுப்பனவு விபரம்

1. 02.05.2008 JHC OBA - JAFFNA (Receipt No: 216 ) Rs 104500/=
2. 29.05.2008 (Receipt No: 444 ) Rs 104000/=
3. 22.09.2008 (Receipt No: 453 ) Rs 50000/=

4. 30.07.2010 (for outside stones) Rs 9000/=

மொத்தம் Rs 267500/=


நன்றி :

சு. சிவபாதமூர்த்தி

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pay order 11.04.2008

welcome wall today 10.04.2008 from S.Siva

dear friends

our welcome wall works r  not completed.need to fix steel gate and some more works.

today i received ur money Rs 105800/=, tomorrow will arrange to give to principal.

total cost of this work 400 000/=, still we need to contribute Rs 294 200/=   ( 2 lakh .......)

this is ur wall, all of u response for this project.

thank u

“WELCOME WALL” contribution list - 10 .04.2008

Dear friends,
“WELCOME WALL” contribution list  -  10 .04.2008
 1. NAMANAN          $100
2. MAHES                 $100
3. KULATHEERAN    $100
4. MAYOORAN        $100
5. PUNITHAN           $ 100
6. SRINIKETHAN       $100
7.PARTHEEPAN         $50
7. NIMALAN           $ 100
TOTAL   Rs  105800/=
AUSTRALIANS  &  USA  Friends r keep SILENT(?)
  I think we are 210 friends (STUDENTS ) in 94 batch.  Yahoo group hav 100 contacts.
Please all are considering this project, and forward your valuable suggestions. (like  kulatheepan)
  Thank you

"Namanan Guhanathan" 02.04.2008

how are you?
I hope you would remember me.
so.. how much it does cost us? (Approx) how much we raised so far? please let me know.

JHC Front wall Rehabilitation Fund : Updates 01.04.2008

Hi Guys,

I am very pleased with the way our JHC94 Canadians responded to the JHC Front wall Rehabilitation Fund. 
Thanks everyone who participated in this fund raising event. It shows our unity and the friendly atmosphere. I am proud to be a member of JHC94 & specially JHC94 -Canadians.

The following is the update.
Namanan            $ 100 CDN
Mahes                 $ 100 CDN
Mayooran            $ 100 CDN
Punithan              $ 100 CDN
Partheepan          $ 50 CDN
Ramanan              $ 50 CDN
Gunarajah            $ 50 CDN
Kulam                   $ 100 CDN

Total                    $ 650 CDN

I will wait one more day and send this one on Wednesday. 


Please confirm with me where I have to send this.


With Best Regards


from Guna

Hi Kulam,
Perhaps Mayooran is running out of time due to his new job at Sudberry, to response on going email. The following peoples also have been agreed on this
Ramanan Pach $50.00
Mayooran $75.00
Gunaraja $50.00
Please let me know, if I can deposit my contribution directly to your bank account.
416 528 1407

JHC wall contributions from JHC 94 canadians (31.03.2008)

Hi Mathan, Sivapathamoorthy and JHC 94 Canadians

I received the money from Mahes, and Namanan and got the commitment from the Parthee.

The following is the participation so far. 

Namanan         $100 CDN
Mahes             $100 CDN
Partheepan      $  50 CDN
Kulam             $100 CDN

Punithan called me some time ago about this and I will get back to him and inform you guys shortly.

Also Mayuran showed interest too. I will catch him too and let you guys know.

Guys from Canada !!!!   a wake up call

Please let me know how much your contribution at the earliest possible. I would like to transfer the amount in three days. Please act accordingly.

Guys you may send me an email money transfer or please call me(613.355.9555) for any different mode of payment. When you send the money please send an email to the group about your transaction.

Whatever I received by 6 pm on April 2, 2008 ( Wednesday) will be sent to JHC94 Jaffna. Please help us to speed up the process.

Thanks for your help and understanding,

With Best Regards


"Murugaiah Yasotharan" 30.03.2008

We arranged to give our contribution in Jaffna,
1. Yasotharan (A/L Maths, Dubai)
2. Sanjeev (A/L Maths, from Dubai)

from S.Mayooran

Hi Mathan,
Gunarajah and Ramanan (Mappillai) already promised me to give $50.00 each.  I am in the process of calling other people.  My time was limited this week as I went away to work, and the first week was very busy.  We will send the best possible amount in the available time from here in Canada.  I understand you guys don't have much time.  Please go ahead with commercial sponsors if the time is tight.


“Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your
own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny" 

---Swamy Vivekananda- --

from A.Arooran

Dear Sivapatham,
Thank you for the photos.
I am waiting for the information to give the money. Parthee told me he will inform or you will inform who will collect the money in colombo? Please let us know the way to send/handover the money.
Enrum Anpudan
A/L maths

Poor Response! (S.Mathan, 28 March, 2008)

Dear Friends,

It is very sad that your response to Great Wall. Phones are switched off! & mails are bouncing! I don't like waste anymore time with you all. We will go for commercial sponsors. I understood that your financial restrains. I really appreciate Myooran , Namanan and Srikanthan. 



Wednesday, August 4, 2010

WELCOME GATE & WALL (S.Mayooran 21 March, 2008)

Dear Sivapatham,
How are you? I received all the e-mails about Gate and Wall.  Mathan spoke to me on phone about the project as well.  It is a good initiative.  I do understand that the welcome gate is needed.  However I have some questions.  
(1) Are there any other more important needs in the JHC we need to look in to? I want to know whether there is always a need in JHC for helping poor students with facilities fees, buying books and materials for the needy students.  
(2) My suggestion / advise to you is, please avoid using your own bank account for this purpose.  We know you are trustworthy, and there is no doubt about it.  But, in the future, there will be people with sinister motives who might question your move to use your own personal account for school's project.  I know, if you keep a clear record of who contributed and where the money was spent, you will be fine.  However, it is always in the best interest of you and the JHC to use a JHC account for this purpose.  I know, right now, you are paying from your own pocket.  However, if you keep track of the money you spent, with receipts, and make sure you are reimbursed your spent money from a school account, it has more integrity.  Please think about it.
Regardless, I am prepared to send my contribution to your account.  However, make up your mind about which account you want to use (your own or a JHC account).

This is only my personal suggestion and if you feel you have done the right thing, and be comfortable with the situation there at JHC, please go ahead according to your original plan.  Please let me know what you think.

“Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your
own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny" 

---Swamy Vivekananda---

from A.Arooran

Dear Mathan,
I hope those who are in sri lanka donot check the email regularly, so please send sms then I hope they will response I too send sms on behave of JHC to contact u did u get any response.
Also please put a list of our classmate who promised to send or give money then others also will send their contribution.
Kind regards,
A/L 94 Maths

Reply from Mathan ( 18 March, 2008)

Hi Kulatheepan!

Nice to see your comments. But don't be pessimistic ! There are several good things as you & I



Letter From K. Kulatheepan (18 March, 2008)

Whether jaffna hindu college badly requires a wall or
not ,It is good that we organise as a group and do
We will built a very big wall so that no outsider can
see what happens inside.

contribution (S.Mathan 17 March, 2008)

Once you deposit the money please inform siva. The banking officers might keep the amount with them. 
Secondly please let us know your (sum )contribution.
Other wise , there will be a problem regarding accountability and transparency.
Siva should confirm the amount once he received.



WELCOME GATE & WALL ( S.Sivapathamoorthy 17 March, 2008)

dear friends!!!!! !!!
we got a good opportunity to build a welcome gate and main wall (100 feet)  in front of college.
The wall consist,
a.       cement work- half of the wall
b.      Metal work another half.
And  metal gate also, like KUMARASWAMY HALL entrance.
Total cost for all of this work around 0.4 million (four laks)
Those who wish to make their contributions please contact me OR money transfer to:
                 COMMERCIAL BANK , SRILANKA.
                 Account NO:  8060035155
Thank you
Teaching hospital,
Telephone: 0773 155 100
          : 021 222 8536

Principal's Request Letter and Where to give Money and Memories of JHC (G.Partheepan 13 March, 2008)

Dear Friends
Listen to this song before proceed please
Please find the request letter from Principal. Please the response was very less only Nimalan,Mathan, Sivapatham, Arooran and Mayooran responded the mail.
I am expecting all my batch mates to share this cost. It’s going to be as JHC 94 Batch mates. Please give as you can. I am asking this as your duty and you all must do. Don’t think that I am ordering, no not at all. Because of the JHC relationship and the friendship I am asking.
All just mark the amount when everything ready here we will collect. Once the work is finished Photos and video will be sent to each individual.
Please get their names, email, phone no, and keep it in a record.
Those who are in
Please Contact Mr.A.Kulatheeran and give the money - Kulam@yahoo. com and +613 355 9 555. Kulam you also call our friends and ask. Normally kulam’s mobile goes to voice mail but he will get back to you. Sorry for the inconvenienced caused.
Call Nimalan ( Known as Punguds)(Sorry if you don’t like ) –nimal75@hotmail. com, +4479 3136 4687 
Mathanakumara ( Maadu ) ( Sorry if you don’t like ) ( Sorry no titles like Dr/Prof , As JHC I know you as maadu or mathan)  +94 777 70 13 07 ,mathanakumara@, he will promptly call other friends and collect.
Sivapathamoorthy ( Sivapatham) - +94 773 155 100, subrasix@yahoo. com
Suntharesan ( Suntha) - +61297441910
For JHC 94 batchmates details visit this link
Please everyone respond to this mail and act together.
Others who are in other countries dont worry since I have not mentioned your countries. Please Contact one of these our friends or me at any time. All will act together.
Thanks a lot.
